Immune Booster Benefits:
How to Get An Immune Booster Shot: The Immune Booster injection, available at Sonoma Roots Natural Medicine is available by appointment. Dr. Danielle would be happy to discuss with you individualized protocols that may be of benefit to you during the cold & flu season or during acute illness. Cost: Immune Booster: (Engystol) $35 Super Immune Booster (B-12 + Engystol + vitamin D): $55 References: Engystol Product Literature Study: Antiviral activity of Engystol® and Gripp-Heel®: an in-vitro assessment Antiviral Activity of Engystol®: an in vitro analysis Effects of the Homeopathic Preparation Engystol on Interferon-γ Production by Human T-Lymphocytes *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please consult your physician or Dr. Danielle for proper diagnosis and to see which of these treatments may be relevant to you. |
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